Wednesday, September 5, 2007

A happy start

In the name of God the merciful the compassionate

Helena So we grew together,
Like to a double cherry, seeming parted,
But yet an union in partition,
Two lovely berries moulded on one stem;
So, with two seeming bodies, but one heart.

William Shakespeare

A Midsummer Night's Dream

Hi there!

Welcome to Double Cherry the official weblog of our English class.

Why a blog?

Double Cherry provides An amicable and democratic environment for anyone to express his/her viewpoints freely and share his/her feelings and thoughts with others, A chance to learn from each other and bring about sweet memories during the remaining 3 years of our study.

What do we read here?

It all depends on the author’s imagination. They may write about any topic they want but to begin with we have four categories: Language tips, English literature, inside the class & let’s have fun.

Who are the authors?

Simply any English student or professor can be one of our writers. If you want to join us just give us your e-mail so that we send you an invitation mail.

The final word: an unpredictable world

The continuation and upkeep of this blog solely depends on the 21st letter of the English alphabet: U. It is you, your comments, visits and participation which encourage us to continue this way. You know. Living on this planet has a quality which makes it quite exciting. It’s unpredictable. Our blog may keep on going till the last semester and it may collapse very soon. It all depends on U.

By the way do you hope to taste a Double Cherry?!